Interview's First Step : HR Phone Screening

The Most 3 Important Interview Questions

     Today I would like to share my  Interview experience before diving the other interviews histories. I definitely can say the most important step is HR Phone call. If during the phone call you are able to explain your knowledge and background definitely you will jump next step. Because HR wants to HIRE the most skilled Candidate for certain position that they are looking for.

Preparing for an HR phone screening involves anticipating questions that typically focus on assessing your qualifications, experience, and fit for the role and the company. While specific questions may vary depending on the organization and position, here are some certain questions that asking by HRs. Because While I was asked several interviews and the same or so similar questions.

1. Can you tell me about yourself please ?

Do not tell about your personality !
Tell them about your background and experience !

For example :
I am John and I am a Software Engineer , I like play guitar. >>> This is a poor answer.

Sure ! First of all thank you for spearing some time for me and yeah I am John currently working as a Senior Salesforce Developer at XYZ Company. >>> This is a strong answer.

2. Can you walk me through your current role and about your project please?

In this case you need to go over your current project that you are working on it. This question very importan and before phone call definitely you need to check JOB DESCRIPTION on application. Because HR want to hear those requirements keywords even HRs do not have technical background but they want to hear that.

3. Why are you interested in this position and our company and why you are leaving you current company?

Before answer that question you need to do EXTENSIVE RESEARCH about company, tools that company use, and what kind of product that they are building.

Because I want to change my team, my current company is small startup company and I want to high salary >>> This answer a bad answer.

Based on my research I saw your company is great place to work there, and I believe I am matching the skills that you have in the job description and also your tools are very valuable and the tech stack so rich. Thats why I want to grow and add value to your company. >>> This is good answer.

Remember to thoroughly research the company, review the job description, and align your responses with the organization's values and requirements. Additionally, practice answering these questions confidently and concisely to make a positive impression during the HR phone screening.



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